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Alicia French

My art practice lies within the uncanniness of everyday life and twisting things to rebirth something new; extracting the strangeness from the ordinary to investigate the known and unknown, comfort and discomfort, the familiar and the unfamiliar. From exploring the uncomfortableness of trypophobia and arachnophobia, to abstracting and reinventing the natural world around us. Inspired by my surroundings, I collect natural materials from my encompassing landscape of local woodland and beaches, which go on to inspire my diverse practice of drawing, painting, sculpture, and film. 

My film work combines Al generation software with an image of my soft sculpture series 'Growth', where I explore the unpredictable uncanniness of Al distortion as a tool on my existing artforms.

Alicia will be our Meet the Artist at art_house_life 11-12 noon Sunday 21st July, and will also be participating in art-house-life’s Panel Event: AI in the Hands of Artists 2-4.30pm Monday 22nd July.

Commission queries via:

Instagram: @french.alicia


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Company registration: 15801630

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